August 6-10, 2024
After February 1st, we will post an overview of our route for the August ride. Each day offers a variety of rides including 50, 75, and 100 mile options. Also, we have groups available for several styles based on your average training speeds. Some cyclists enjoy a social pace, stopping for pictures and beautiful sites. Others like a faster tempo and opportunities to ride in a pace line. For sure, there is a group right for you.
When on the road, no need to worry about flat tires or mechanical problems. There is always a SAG (support and gear) vehicle within a few miles to rush to your aid. Planned SAG stops are about every 10-15 miles. At these stops, our SAGs have ice, water, snacks, cookies, and fruit. They point our riders to needed restroom facilities and have information about local business to grab lunch. They use technology to track every group and know where each riding group is at every moment.
Remember, we ride with a purpose. All riders pay their own ride fee. This fee covers the cost of camp sites and breakfast and dinner at the tenting sites. Although we love to cycle, our purpose for riding is to provide funding for the missions we support. Each rider is expected to raise at least $200.00 per rider for the 5 day ride and $100 per rider for the 2 day ride as a donation to our missions. We encourage riders to seek support from friends, family, their own church, businesses, and any other way to raise as much funding as possible. Often, we have riders raising over $800-$1,000 for our missions. We suggest each rider cover their own ride fee. Then they cn share that ALL collected support goes directly to our missions in Haiti. (100%) We have discovered people love giving to a cause once they see you are dedicated to cover your rider cost, do the training, and ride the miles.